Monday, August 13, 2007

Mills writes on August 13th...........

Hey ya'll,

It pleases me so much to say "ya'll" and for you not to think anything funny about it. I get many strange looks here. I just wanted to see if you could be praying for me on this upcoming week. Gabe and I will be going to Malawi. I have renewed my visa to the limit and if I don't leave the country they will kick me out. So I will leave on Monday for about a 6 hour drive to cross the border and then my visa renewal process can start over again. I just wanted to ask if you could be praying for our trip? There are a lot of things that could potentially go wrong. If God is for us, who can be against us! Also our safety, Gabe and I won't have a ride back, so we will take local transport. The best way to describe local transport is like a 1975 15 passenger van with 20+ people crammed in, and all their belongings on the top. It's like a tractor pulling a trailer. I trust that the Lord is and has been preparing divine appointments for us. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes. Thanks so much for blessing me with your prayers.

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